This weekend, I got up bright and early, headed out past Fall City to Carnation, WA, and participated in the Survivor Mud Run. It’s basically a 5k with obstacles (running through tires, scaling walls, going over and under logs, etc.) set on a muddy course. Very muddy. But we’re in the Northwest, so it’s still cold and rainy in June, so on the day of the event, it was even more muddy!
I kind of thought I’d make it through the course with my shoes soaked and mud up to my knees. But knowing what I know now after the event, there must have been a meeting amongst the organizers where one stood up and said, ‘Yo! It’s like half way through the course and the participants can’t possibly be drenched in mud. How about we …’. At this point the course had us do things like, crawl through mud, slide down mud hills, and attempt to run over, only to sink into waist deep mud. We were on a farm. I really, really, really hope that was all mud.
But was it fun? Hell yeah! And the shower you take at home will almost feel like a spa treatment.
Survivor Mud Run: