iPad 2 - Fail
The last time I really got excited about the launch of a product enough to actually wait in line was for the Sega Dreamcast on 9/9/99. But a friend of mine is really excited about the iPad 2 and couldn't make the launch but does know how to press my geek buttons. So here I am.
the request came in the weekend before. I spent the week trying to get out of it. Could you preorder? How about online? What about other stores? No luck. At 3:45pm. I called the local apple store. The bad news is the was already a line of 300 people winding around the mall (part of which extended in front of the Microsoft store). The worse news was the rep was unable to give me a definite 'yes' or 'no' as to whether I would stand a chance. So off I went
Surprisingly, the trek from my office was quick. No traffic. Good parking. Once in line, the apple staffers were friendly; offering bottled water and cookies for all those who waited. To encourage the feint of heart (read: me) all of the store employees did a lap around the line hooting and hollering. The number of employees rivaled a college football team.
1715- some dude with a new ipad2 walks by vanna white-style showcasing his new shiny toy. I feel like doing that makes you a tool. But people in line applauded.
1730 - me and the dude in line behind me (he's my best friend for the next few hours. Let's call him Wilson) theorize that, based on the estimated length of line, frequency of groups of people waved forward, and size of groups, we could get one around 1900
1741 - the apple bouncer only let me into the next part of the line. Wilson got left behind. I'm so alone.
1800 - the wife of the guy two back said that one of the AT&T 3G models sold out. Apparently, the apple staff will start handing out slips. If you don't get one they don't have enough of the model you want
1815 - there are definite perks to being single. The lady significant others of Wilson and dude behind him keep dropping by to weaken the spirits. But these guys are resillient.
1930 - both couples are arguing
1945 - I have TWO of the magical cards that entitle me to an iPad.
2050 - front of the line
2051 - the apple store rep informs me that they are out of all models of interest (16-32gb wireless). So I buy a 64gb wireless and a 16gb for verizon. I'll see if anyone wants it; otherwise I'll put it on eBay.
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Ok, this was a total waste of time. But at least I was able to make a little bit of profit by selling them on eBay (Which, sadly, went to fund my Mac Book Pro :)