Saturday, February 28, 2009

B o r i n g

I've had a great time this month. But nothing seemed to emerge as blog-worthy. So, this post is dedicated to the medium-lights.

- Randomly stumbled upon the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. Yes it is as cool seeing it as an adult as it was as a kid. No, they wouldn't let me test drive it.

- Had a coworker bring in a working phonograph.

- Street Fighter 4 finally came out. Bonded with old friends over it. Got pwned in a tournament.

- Made a failed attempt to bake my favorite cookie (snickerdoodle)

- Geeked out on all things personal finance. Finally finished The Millionaire Next Door. Did my own taxes for the first time since I was in school. Revised my investment strategy.

- Sent my mother a Valentine's day card that featured Optimus Prime. Lived to tell about it.
See you next Month!